The third installment of the TIDY series is the third appearance for guest Jacobi Ryan. He initially appeared on episode 119 at Hubbly Bubbly, his second was at the mansion for Fire in Little Africa, and now at the TIDY retreat. He chats with Brandy about his moves since his last appearance. Jacobi is originally from Lawton, Oklahoma. The talented rapper shares how he stays inspired, his new website design business, and how he continues to hone his craft. Jacobi Ryan has a versatile flow coupled with intelligent bars. He has the duality to record a party record or songs with serious subject matter, and every track hits. His talent speaks for itself and he discusses receiving the ultimate alley-oop from Dr. View. Jacobi Ryan’s latest EP entitled Practice Gym is out now. He states, “Practice Gym is an experience of inspiration and awareness. The resistance that meets any journey can be as valuable as it can be destructive. The closer you are; the stronger the resistance.” Practice Gym, along with Jacobi Ryan’s entire catalog, is available on all streaming platforms. After the episode, go take a listen. You will not be disappointed.
Music Featured in This Episode:
0:00 Makin’ ‘Em Mad- Dr. View Feat. Jacobi Ryan
YouTube Music: